October 18, 2011

Bus Wreck!

Man that was awesome right? i don't know if it's just cuz i'm a missionary or what but  every single talk was so so good. i sure hope you were all staying awake and paying attention. guys did you go to preistood? it was so tight. k so i told everyone at home to be forward and straight with me so i guess i should be as well. also Hermana Martinez tells me that i should of told you guys about this. don't know why i didn't. it's really not that big of a deal. I guess i didnt want anyone to freak out so just know i'm protected and everythings fine :) yeah i'll try to explain it short. so remember the micros straight out of harry potter? yeah we got pushed off the road one day and hit a tree about two months ago. i was on a quick combio with Elder Corliss. everyone drives really close to eachother so when i saw this truck coming closer to us i was like "don't freak out this happens all the time" but nope he pushed us off the road. it was really fast. i don't know how but Corliss was shot to the front off the bus. he broke the seats in front of us. this one lady ended up in my lap. well i hit the left side of my face pretty good and bit through my lip. Corliss bonked his nose really good. everyone in the micro was fine in the end. it was amazing because the micro behind us had a sister from our ward and she saw the crash. she said the Spirit told her she knew someone in the crash and she had to go help. it was such a reliefe to see her run up to us and throw her jacket around me. because we were both bleeding we had to go in the ambulance. It was amazing to see how unselfish everyone was. everyone was checking on me making sure i was alright even though they were hurt too. i made alot of friends in the micro that day. i spent my whole p day in the hospital. that was lame. we finally got let go. oh and that Sister Muñoz staid by our side the whole day! I love that lady! anyway so the next few days I was throwing up so Demke asisted me to the hospitle once again. haha hope this isn't too much detail but it was just such an experiance. anyway after a CAT scan they saw a shadow in the back of my head and loaded me up into the ambulance again. Hermana Martinez met us at the next hospital. The doctors then took me to a brain surgen. he studied the image and to our reliefe it was something that i've had for my whole life our something. K so yeah is everyone breathing again? haha it really was a great experiance of love and laughter (at my spanish and jokes Demke would say to lighten the mood) he}s the shiz and handled the whold thing like a champ. but yeah haha that's my experiance. it was crazy. I spent that week in the Presidents house on close watch and ran to a few more specialists to get second opinions. but yeah i'm totally fine now and back to working with no side effects. this passed two months ago so no worries. :) love you all tons and hope you enjoyed this weeks story :)

Elder Valdez

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